Personal cleanliness


The water you consume in the Bathroom-Shower is:
Liters of water/Day
Water saving tips:
Install a bathroom nozzle with a water supply reducer. These devices reduce the amount of water while increasing its pressure. This has the effect of reducing water consumption during use without having a noticeable effect on the user.

Bathroom faucet

The water you consume in the bathroom sink is:
Liters of water/Day
Water saving tips:
Install faucet filters with a water flow reducer. These devices are very easy to adjust and reduce the amount of water while increasing its pressure. This has the effect of reducing the water supply during use without having a noticeable effect on the user. On the bottom side of the filter there is a small notch that you can adjust the desired flow with a small screwdriver.
Additional water saving tips:


The water you consume in the cistern is:
Liters of water/Day
Water saving tips:

What do you know about two-speed economy faucets?

These devices replace the existing old mechanism and enable the user to choose one of the two amounts of water to use depending on the use of the toilet.

Water consumption for washing and using eating utensils.

The water you use to wash dishes or disposable utensils is:
Liters of water/Day
How can I reduce the water I use for washing dishes?
Only use the dishwasher when it is full and reduce the amount of water needed to wash dishes.


The water you use to wash clothes is:
Liters of water/Day
Water saving tips:
  • Use a new technology washing machine.
  • Collect the laundry and only when it is full put it into operation.

Indirect water saving technologies.

Rainwater collection system.

The water needed to keep your garden green is:
Liters of water/Day
Water saving tips:

What do you know about the rainwater harvesting solution?

Alternative sources of water are rainwater. The gray water collection, storage, processing and utilization systems are indirect water saving technologies. A simple solution is to place a bucket or barrel in the gutters of the house, to use the water afterwards to water the plants.

Rain barrel

Gray water collection system.

Water saving tips:
  • What do you know about the gray water solution?

Another very efficient solution for saving water is the separation of the effluents from the sink, shower-tub and washing machine from the dirty ones. Gray water can be used with little treatment for watering gardens, washing cars, etc.


The water that evaporates from the pool is:
Liters of water/Day
Did you know that:
In an average swimming pool, up to 378 liters of water can be lost every day due to evaporation. You can build a pool cover and use it as much as possible.

Indirect water consumption through shopping habits

Did you know that the products you buy hide a large amount of water, which was spent on their production?

Car wash

The water you use to wash the car is:
Liters of water/Day

Did you know that:

Does it take about 378 liters of water to wash the car by hand?

  • Limit the frequency you wash your car as much as you can.
  • Use car washes that treat the same water and do not deplete water resources.

The water hidden in our food

The water stored in the foods you eat is:
Liters of water/Day
Water saving tips:
Buy only the amount you need and save the leftover food for later!
Producing food outside of its natural environment or normal growing seasons requires vast amounts of water, energy and other resources. The tomato in winter may be a recent innovation, but the water used for fuel and heating the greenhouse alone consumes a huge amount of water.
Wash your fruit and vegetables in a basin, not in running water with the tap running. Water your plants with the excess water.

Pet food

The water stored in your pet's food is:
Liters of water/Day

Did you know that:

About 638 liters of water are needed to produce one euro of dry pet food.

Packaging recycling

The indirect water you can save by recycling packaging is:
Liters of water/Day

Recycling of plastic, glass and paper packaging

  • Savings can be made by recycling plastic, glass and paper packaging
    up to 18.35 liters of water per person per day.